Sep 22, 2010


Here follows an intoxicatingly detailed rundown of how this year's LB Zombie Walk poster was born...

The back of my receipt from dinner at the Taqueria on 4th, where Garry pitched me the idea and we started sketching...
(If you've never had their Lengua burrito, check it out; pretty messy, but damn good!)

Out of the billions of reference photos I took, only a couple ended up being useful. Had to come back a few times to get all the angles and details I wanted.

More photo reference, ended up straining muscles in my palm I didn't even know I had!

Final approved sketch...

...Taken into photoshop and massaged into a workable value study...

...Blown up and transferred to midtone charcoal paper.

And the fun begins...

Throwing in some tasty sinew and gristle action on the pelvis, ribcage, and so on. Some light touch-ups and texturing in photoshop, a TON of typework brilliantly executed by the fine people of Phone Booth Gallery, and...

BAM. ZombieWalk poster.

More info about the event here.


ccins said...

love your drawing!

Unknown said...

Awesome Poster.. Very talented

Travis Ott-Conn said...

LOL! I love zombiewalk! I had no idea you did the poster, i really enjoyed it!